to Seek, Serve, and Share our Lord together.
We are as wide a group of people you’ll find anywhere in London but we share the same desire: to seek, serve and share our Lord together. We are a community glued together by our faith in Jesus Christ and welcome anyone who would like to join us or might just want to have a look.
Seek our Lord
We believe God knows us and has made it possible for us to know Him. So we seek Him in creation, in the Bible and through His Holy Spirit in our prayer and worship. Most of all we seek God through the life, death and resurrection of His Son Jesus.
Serve our Lord
We believe that God has done so much for us, especially through the death and resurrection of His Son Jesus Christ. So we look for ways to say thank you through our words and actions.
One way we try to do this is through serving our local community in practical ways. We also seek to work with other local churches, for example, through the Ealing Food bank and Ealing Churches Winter Night Shelter. We also support charities and aid agencies whose work is wider afield.
Share our Lord
We believe Jesus Christ is good news, in fact the best news anyone is ever likely to hear. So we share our faith with anyone who might be interested. We offer opportunities, like the Alpha course, for people to hear about the Christian faith and to ask their questions