How to Give

Give regularly, or one-off, from your bank account via the Parish Giving Scheme. Follow this link or call 0333 002 1271 quoting our church code 230623438. Your giving is confidential (known only to our Stewardship recorder and Treasurer), or you can ask PGS to keep it anonymous if you wish. 50 of our households give this way.

You can donate by cash, cheque or card in the collection on Sundays. There is a donations box and contactless giving tin at the back of church

Don't forget Gift Aid if you are a tax payer. PGS does this automatically for us, or you can fill in a Gift Aid form

How much should I give?

This is a personal thing, a choice only you can make with thought and prayer. We're all in different circumstances. The Bible is clear on two things. First, we give from what we have, not what we don't have (2 Corinthians 8.7). Second, we give from our heart, joyfully (2 Corinthians 9.7) in love and gratitude for what God has done and entrusted to us.

Many people “tithe” by giving a percentage of their income. 10% is a guideline you can work towards.

How is my money used?

It costs us about £150,000 a year to run the day-to-day operations of our church. Our congregation gives £90,000 a year (including Gift Aid). We raise about £50,000 by renting out the hall. More details here

Free money!!

When you shop online, you can donate to St Dunstan’s by signing up for